Gabriela Bravo-Illanes


Here you can find some videos of projects, events I participated or organized.
MS ME Graduation

Memories of my MS ME graduation at Stanford University.

Photo Gallery →

Grocery Robot (CS225A)

Simulation on SAI2 of a robot performing pick and place and navigating on a grocery store.

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Report →

Autonomous Turtlebot (AA274A)

ROS simulation of a trutlebot. Controlled by a state machine. Perform SLAM, path planning (A*) and had controls to follow desired trayectory.

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Mobile Robot (ME218B)

Competition project ME218B at Stanford University. Robot detects a cylinder of the team color using an IR signal, grabs and transports it to a determined sector. Project for ME218B at Stanford University.

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Project website →

Arcade Machine (ME218A)

Video of a person playing with our arcade machine "Protect the Dome". The user needed to perform different tasks and avoid the dome from being hit by meteors.

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Project website →

Thumb Prosthesis

Patient using the prototype for a 3D printed thumbs prosthesis. It was actuated by a wire connected to his index finger.

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Build one →

Talk at Health Symposium 2017, Chile

With Dr. Pilar we presented the work done in the Laboratory of Clinical Innovation of the Mutual de Seguridad

Watch the video (Spanish) →

Medical Application of 3D printing, a colloquium

Colloquium organized by the Laboratory of Clinical Innovation about the applications of 3D printing in the health field on Chile

Watch the video (Spanish) →

BS ME Graduation

Memories of my BS ME at Pontifical University from Chile graduation. I graduated with maximum distintion and received the award as the "Best Graduate in the Mechanical Engineering Department"

Photo Gallery →

"La Ruta Solar"

Project during my bachelor at Pontifical University Catholic of Chile. We built a tricycle powered by bicycle pedals and solar panels for a race in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

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