Gabriela Bravo-Illanes


Welcome to my online portfolio. Here you can find some examples of the products I have designed for previous jobs and projects done during my university studies.

  • All
  • Assistive Tech
  • Mechatronic
  • Robotics
  • Other Designs
Bunny meatball maker

Project developed for my Design and manufacturing class (ME203) at Stanford. The project exposed me to brainstorming, prototyping, create a design that could be machinable, and create a design that could be manufactured in large scale.

Stanford University. 2021

Grocery Robot

Simulation on SAI2 of a robot performing pick and place of objects and navigating in a grocery store. Project developed for the Experimental robotics (CS225A) class at Stanford.

Stanford University. 2020

Waste Detection Using Different Deep Learning Methods

Project developed for my Machine Learning class (CS229) at Stanford. We used SMV, YOLOv4-Tiny and R-CNN to detect and clasify waste on the wild.

Stanford University. 2020

Autonomous Turtlebot

Project developed for Autonomous Robot class (AA274A) at Stanford University. Simulation developed in ROS. A turtlebot first explore the maze using SLAM. Once the exploration finished, it revisits some landmarks using A* for path planning.

Stanford University. 2020

Intelligent Prosthetic Arm (IPARM)

Research project in progress. Our goal is to create an arm prosthesis capable to predict human intendede actions to aid human in the control of the prosthesis using as inputs EMS signals and mixed reality.

Stanford University. 2020

Control of articulated Robots

Here you can find a sample of some homeworks developed using what I learned on the lectures "Introduction to robotics" and "Advance Robotics" at Stanford University

Stanford University. 2019

Mobile Robot (ME218B)

Small robot capable to follow an IR signal of a determined frequency, grab and transport and object, and leave the object in a sector of a specific color. Project for ME218B at Stanford University.

Stanford University. 2020

Arcade Machine (ME218A)

Interactive game where the user interact with buttons, hall sensors, nobs and cranks. Project for ME218A at Stanford University.

Stanford University. 2019

Knee angle sensor

Design, prototype and test of a knee-motion tracking system using IMU sensors and a novel algorithm written on Matlab. Product designed to monitor recovery on patients after a knee ligament reconstruction.

UC Berkeley. 2018

Hook Tension band applier

3D printed hook tension band applier.

Mutual de Seguridad. 2017

Toothbrush Adapter

Toothbrush adapter for persons with reduced hand mobility.

Mutual de Seguridad. 2017

3D printed thumb prosthesis

Prosthesis for people who have lost its entire thumb. A 3D printed thumb is actioned by the movement of the index finger.

Mutual de Seguridad. 2017

Trackball mouse

3D printed adapter to transform an optical mouse in a trackball mouse. It allows people with reduced arm/hand mobility to control a computer.

Mutual de Seguridad. 2017

Typing Orthosis

Orthosis that allows typing and the use of touchscreen for people with lack of hand mobility or strength on their fingers.

Mutual de Seguridad. 2017

Multiaxial fatigue analysis

Design of a software that compute remaining life of a component based on its load history measured with a strain gauge in its critical point. Code written on Matlab.

SKF Chilena. 2014

Spring constant testing workbench

Design and fabrication of mechanism and software (in LabView) to automate a machine that tested the injector spring of mining trucks.

Power Train Technologies. 2013

"La Ruta Solar"

Race on the desert of Chile. Our team build a tricycle powered by bicycle pedals and solar panels.

Pontifical Catholic University. 2011