Gabriela Bravo-Illanes
I'm a mechanical engineer specialized in product design, mechatronics and robotics. I got a MS in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, and my bachelor in Mechanical Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. I love creating things, could be from innovative ideas to solve a work related problem, a piece of software to model or control something, to hobby related crseations like paintings and new dishes. My favorite quote is "What some folks call impossible, is just stuff they haven't seen before."
Robotics Experience
Consumer Robotics Design Engineer.
Working in the next generation of Astro Robot
Research: Intelligent prosthetic arm
Collaboration in the development of a prosthetic arm capable to assist user based on EMG signals and mixed reality. The arm will be capable to predict user intentions to simplify the user's control of the arm. This project is under development on its early stages and is being done in collaboration with a PhD student.
- Bibliography review to understand the state of the art and define following steps of the project.
- Prepared a simulation in ROS using a model of a prosthetic arm to test some concepts.
Course Project. Simulation of a Grocery Shopping Robot (CS225A)
Collaboration in a team designing and simulating a panda arm over a Mobile platform that pick objects from a basket and place them over a surface.
Course Project. ROS autonomous Turtlebot simulation (AA274A)
Collaboration in a team simulating on ROS a turtlebot capable to perform SLAM, path planning (A*) and follow trayectories.
Mechatronic and Automation design experience
Student project. Mobile Robot (ME218B)
Student project. Arcade game (ME218A)
Volunteer Research Engineer
Internship. Designed a machine that measures spring constant
Designed and fabricated a mechanism and software (in LabView) to automate a machine that tested the injector spring of mining trucks.
Other Design Experience
Hardware Development Engineer Intern
Worked for Amazon Prime Air, Systems Engineering Team. Developed a simulation software on Python of multiple drones. Simulation outputs help to take system level decisions.
Research and Development Engineer
- Designed and fabricated assistive tools for people with reduced mobility. These tools were 3D printed and designed in collaboration with physicians and occupational therapists (OT). They allowed the OT to stop handcrafting these tools, and at the same time, offered to the patient a cheaper, aesthetically pleasant, washable alternative.
- Fabricated anatomical models for complex surgery planning using patient's computed tomography and a 3D printer.
- Designed and fabricated skulls implants in collaboration with neurosurgeon. A 3D printed mold was fabricated based on patient's CT scan, sterilized, and used to create implant with Cranioplastic. This alternative was up to 50% cheaper than the current provider.
Internship. Designed a software for fatigue analysis
Designed a software that compute remaining life of a component based on its load history measured with a strain gauge in its critical point. Code written on Matlab
''La Ruta Solar'' race participant
Collaborated in the design and construction of a motorized tricycle, powered by PV panels.
Leadership Experience
Volunteer as event organizer
Co-founder of the Laboratory of Clinical Innovation
Health Symposium, 2017 Chile. (Spanish video) →
Medical Application of 3D printing, a colloquium. (Spanish video) →
Quality Engineer
Directed and implemented new quality standards to improve internal processes and customer service in all branches along the country.
Co-founder and event organizer of ME Student chapter
Organized activities for students to improve their skills and knowledge about mechanical engineering.
Additional Experience
Volunteering as a mentor in TechGYRLS Program
Teaching Assistant
Lectures: “Properties and strength of materials” (2011-2014), “Dynamics of mechanical systems” (2012), “Mechanics of solids” (2012), “Mechanical behavior of materials” (2013-2014), “Thermodynamics” (2014).
FabLab Assistant
Assisted students with the use of the PCB router
Undergraduate researcher
Conducted experiments to develop metallic foams from powders in viscous liquids for implants with osteointegration.